Saturday, August 30, 2008

Causes of Morbid Obesity

How does obesity occur? The reasons are complex. Despite popular opinion, morbid obesity is not purely the result of eating too much. According to recent studies, it has been found that cases of morbid obesity are often rooted in genetic causes. If this holds true in an individual’s case, then dieting and exercise will have limited effects on the problem.

Scientific research in to the causes and cure for morbid obesity continues to be conducted all over the world. But until we gain a firmer grasp on all the implications of the disease, it is something that patients simply have to deal with and work on, oftentimes for their entire lives. Medical science has come up with numerous interventions, including surgery, but these are not cures for obesity – rather they provide relief for the physical strain and consequences that come from being excessively overweight.

We do not know what extreme obesity is caused by. Instead of there being one cause, it usually comes about as the result of several different factors, including diet, environment, genetics, heredity, and metabolism. Hypothyroidism and steroid intake are two medical conditions that might result in excessive weight gain or obesity.

Children whose parents are obese have a much greater chance of becoming obese themselves. Perhaps this has to do with genetic factors, but more often than not, it has to do with the family’s sedentary lifestyle and eating habits. If parents do not take proper care of themselves, then their children can be born obese.

There are additional, environmental, factors that cause and maintain obesity.

Read opinions and promote your views at The World's Best Homepage and read and submit reviews and opinions at Free Opinions and Content

Obesity And Weight Loss - A Review

Most people think that obesity goes no deeper than a less than fashionable look, but they are wrong. Obesity today is an epidemic, a disease spreading fast across both the industrialized world and emerging economies.

Obesity means having too much fat on your body. First and foremost, obesity puts a strain on joints and bones that have to sustain more weight than before, which leads to arthritis in the long run. The weight also tends to make people less active, which, in turn, means more weight is put on.

The lack of activity and high cholesterol brought by eating too much of the wrong kind of food impair the proper functioning of your heart and blood vessels. This results in high blood pressure, stroke and other blood and heart conditions. Excess weight also leads to apnea, the cessation of breathing during sleep.

However, obesity can be cured with patience and effort. As this diseases spreads over the land, so do the efforts for curing it increase. Talk to your physician if you are interested in getting rid of obesity.

Recognizing obesity?

The textbook definition of obesity is a body mass index of 30 or above. The body mass index is a measure of a person's weight scaled according to height, as developed by Belgian scientist Adolphe Quetelet in 1840. This index serves to show the amount of fat stored on the body, and the higher your BMI is, the worst is your exposure to certain diseases.

Physicians also warm that having a lot of fat stored around your waist increases the risk of developing diseases. Going beyond size 35 in women and size 40 in men means only trouble in the future.

For more information visit

Mohammad Kamal owner of

Obesity Increases Your Chances Of Developing Cancer

Several studies have shown that being overweight or obese can dramatically increase a persons probability of developing several forms of cancer.

Both obesity and a lack of physical activity are thought to account for up to 20 percent of all cancer deaths. An estimated 41,000 new cases of cancer alone were diagnosed in the United States that are thought to be attributable to obesity.

Obesity puts increased oxidative stress on the bodies major internal organs, increasing free radical production and therefore cancer risk. Obesity also affects the secretion of hormones such as estrogen and androgens which may also influence cancer risks in certain parts of the body.

Liver cancer is thought to be the cancer most closely linked with obesity with one study finding an almost five-fold increase in liver cancer in men and two-fold increase in women in those with a BMI greater than 35.

Other cancers that are closely associated with cancer are pancreatic cancer, which is more than two times more likely in those with a BMI greater than 35, stomach, esophageal, colo-rectal and kidney cancer.

In women, cancer of the breast, uterus and cervix were also higher amongst obese individuals and in men, the risk of prostate cancer was also raised by obesity.

Esophageal cancer, which is rapidly becoming one of the most common forms of cancer is also thought to be related to obesity. Gastric reflux problems are more common in obese individuals which leads to an increase in the condition known as Barrett's esophagus. Barrett's esophagus progresses into cancer in approximately 0.5% of cases.

With obesity rates sky-rocketing in the western world, the prevalence of these forms of cancer is likely to continue to increase. Fortunately the effects of obesity can be reversed, a drop in BMI of just five points corresponds to approximately a 15 percent reduction in cancer risk.

Anthony Wilson is the owner of Health Hubs, a health news and information website that contains daily updated news and information on a variety of health topics such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

More information about the link between obesity and cancer can be found here.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Causes of Morbid Obesity

How does obesity occur? The reasons are complex. Despite popular opinion, morbid obesity is not purely the result of eating too much. According to recent studies, it has been found that cases of morbid obesity are often rooted in genetic causes. If this holds true in an individual’s case, then dieting and exercise will have limited effects on the problem.

Scientific research in to the causes and cure for morbid obesity continues to be conducted all over the world. But until we gain a firmer grasp on all the implications of the disease, it is something that patients simply have to deal with and work on, oftentimes for their entire lives. Medical science has come up with numerous interventions, including surgery, but these are not cures for obesity – rather they provide relief for the physical strain and consequences that come from being excessively overweight.

We do not know what extreme obesity is caused by. Instead of there being one cause, it usually comes about as the result of several different factors, including diet, environment, genetics, heredity, and metabolism. Hypothyroidism and steroid intake are two medical conditions that might result in excessive weight gain or obesity.

Children whose parents are obese have a much greater chance of becoming obese themselves. Perhaps this has to do with genetic factors, but more often than not, it has to do with the family’s sedentary lifestyle and eating habits. If parents do not take proper care of themselves, then their children can be born obese.

There are additional, environmental, factors that cause and maintain obesity.

Read opinions and promote your views at The World's Best Homepage and read and submit reviews and opinions at Free Opinions and Content

Obesity And Weight Loss - A Review

Most people think that obesity goes no deeper than a less than fashionable look, but they are wrong. Obesity today is an epidemic, a disease spreading fast across both the industrialized world and emerging economies.

Obesity means having too much fat on your body. First and foremost, obesity puts a strain on joints and bones that have to sustain more weight than before, which leads to arthritis in the long run. The weight also tends to make people less active, which, in turn, means more weight is put on.

The lack of activity and high cholesterol brought by eating too much of the wrong kind of food impair the proper functioning of your heart and blood vessels. This results in high blood pressure, stroke and other blood and heart conditions. Excess weight also leads to apnea, the cessation of breathing during sleep.

However, obesity can be cured with patience and effort. As this diseases spreads over the land, so do the efforts for curing it increase. Talk to your physician if you are interested in getting rid of obesity.

Recognizing obesity?

The textbook definition of obesity is a body mass index of 30 or above. The body mass index is a measure of a person's weight scaled according to height, as developed by Belgian scientist Adolphe Quetelet in 1840. This index serves to show the amount of fat stored on the body, and the higher your BMI is, the worst is your exposure to certain diseases.

Physicians also warm that having a lot of fat stored around your waist increases the risk of developing diseases. Going beyond size 35 in women and size 40 in men means only trouble in the future.

For more information visit

Mohammad Kamal owner of

Obesity Increases Your Chances Of Developing Cancer

Several studies have shown that being overweight or obese can dramatically increase a persons probability of developing several forms of cancer.

Both obesity and a lack of physical activity are thought to account for up to 20 percent of all cancer deaths. An estimated 41,000 new cases of cancer alone were diagnosed in the United States that are thought to be attributable to obesity.

Obesity puts increased oxidative stress on the bodies major internal organs, increasing free radical production and therefore cancer risk. Obesity also affects the secretion of hormones such as estrogen and androgens which may also influence cancer risks in certain parts of the body.

Liver cancer is thought to be the cancer most closely linked with obesity with one study finding an almost five-fold increase in liver cancer in men and two-fold increase in women in those with a BMI greater than 35.

Other cancers that are closely associated with cancer are pancreatic cancer, which is more than two times more likely in those with a BMI greater than 35, stomach, esophageal, colo-rectal and kidney cancer.

In women, cancer of the breast, uterus and cervix were also higher amongst obese individuals and in men, the risk of prostate cancer was also raised by obesity.

Esophageal cancer, which is rapidly becoming one of the most common forms of cancer is also thought to be related to obesity. Gastric reflux problems are more common in obese individuals which leads to an increase in the condition known as Barrett's esophagus. Barrett's esophagus progresses into cancer in approximately 0.5% of cases.

With obesity rates sky-rocketing in the western world, the prevalence of these forms of cancer is likely to continue to increase. Fortunately the effects of obesity can be reversed, a drop in BMI of just five points corresponds to approximately a 15 percent reduction in cancer risk.

Anthony Wilson is the owner of Health Hubs, a health news and information website that contains daily updated news and information on a variety of health topics such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

More information about the link between obesity and cancer can be found here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Obesity Help - How You Can Help Yourself From Home

Obesity is a common physical condition that affects billions of people all over the world. Obesity is defined as the result of excessive body fat within the body. Anyone that is 20% or more above what is considered normal for their body mass index is considered obese. Let's go over some home remedies to treat obesity:

• Obesity treatment by fasting on Lime Juice-Honey has proven to be very beneficial in treating obesity. A handful of leaves should be soaked overnight and then taken in the morning. Be sure to perform this treatment on an empty stomach. Use the treatment for at least one month for optimum results.

• Obesity treatment can be achieved by consuming Cabbage. The reason why cabbage is said to be beneficial in treating obesity is due to the chemical tartaric acid being a part of the vegetable. Tartaric acid has shown to inhibit sugar and carbohydrates into fat, which is very important in the effort to lose weight.

• Obesity treatment can be achieved by consuming Tomatoes. Substitute your normal breakfast with one or two tomatoes for a couple of months. This is considered to be a safe and effective method to lose weight. Tomatoes are also considered to be a very healthy and vital part of keeping a balanced diet.

• Obesity treatment by using the herbal treatment Trifala has shown to be very effective in the treatment of obesity. By using the combination of haritaki, bibbitaki, and amalaki together you can solve this problem using a supplemental herbal treatment.

By following the above home remedies and following the tips below, you should be able to significantly reduce obesity in your body:

• Drinking plenty of water - at least 10 glasses a day.

• Not skipping any meals. Try eating 5-6 small meals a day instead of three large meals to help your metabolism.

• Regular aerobic and weight training exercise

• Altering your behavior toward food. Count calories, carbs, sodium, and fat on a regular basis.

Kim Grace has a long family history of doctors, herbalists, and acupuncturists that date back for more than half of a century. She has created a comprehensive guide of the most effective and natural treatments for obesity help and treatments for obesity

Gastric Bypass Surgery & Obesity

Let’s Define Obesity

Obesity is a growing concern in America. The definition of morbid obesity is surprising to many individuals. The lack of exercise, especially those with a sedentary lifestyle can cause problems with joints and the increase weight being carried can add other health problems.

Obesity Surgeries

There are now obesity surgeries which have come to the aid of many people who suffer from obesity. These surgeries are Gastric Bypass surgery and Lap Band surgery. For these treatments of obesity, the patient must be severely obese and have additional health issues. Obese individuals do have additional health issues, so insurance companies are putting these surgery treatments for obesity into their plans.

They realize if a person can overcome obesity, their need for additional health coverage will decrease. Gastric Bypass surgery for the treatment of obesity is an invasive procedure where the stomach is decreased and food is eliminated quickly. There are major lifestyle changes involved in this treatment obesity and the surgery itself is dangerous.

More and more people are considering gastric bypass surgery but are also considering Lap Band surgery. Lap Band surgery is the latest treatment for obesity. This type of operation is non-invasive and a very safe treatment.

Paying for Gastric Bypass Surgery

Funding for obesity surgeries tends to lag behind other forms of obesity treatments since it is seen as cosmetic. Due to the slow acceptance of obesity as an ailment, surgical coverage by your insurance carrier is often declined and used on other types of treatment for obesity. While gastric bypass surgery for obesity is an extreme step to take in weight management, for many, it is the only way to regain control of their body and health issues and therefore there is no cost they won’t pay.

Individuals that are medically “morbidly obese” suffer many different health problems and face many health concerns each day that they maintain this condition. Causes for obesity range from genetics to lifestyle choices. There are many people that have only been able to lose the weight by having obesity surgery done. For an individual with many health concerns and a considerable amount of weight to lose, gastric bypass surgery provides immediate resolution to obesity and its complications.

Understand that Gastric Bypass surgery is permanent. In conclusion, many people face this descision daily and are quite frankly, scared. This is nothing to be ashamed of as thousands of people across suffer from obesity and need to decide what steps to take. Please browse our site for other information and reports about gastric bypass surgery to assist you in making an informed choice.

before you opt for surgery, you should consider all of your options. And to do that you need information, go to to learn more about obesity surgeries.

Control Weight To Sleep Better

Obesity and sleep disorders:

Being overweight and sleeping has close links as well as inter-dependency on
each other. It is said that the less we sleep the more we are at the risk of
getting obesity. A recent study conducted in this regard reveals that the number
of hours slept has an influence on the risk of obesity. It is also known that
obesity is a major factor in sleep apnea, and is often listed as one of the main
causes. Sleep apnea is one of the major sleep disorders that causes sleep
deprivation, and, of course, the more sleep deprived a person becomes, the less
active he or she is. However there are many reasons that we need before we
realize the importance of sleep in our lives. Anything less than the seven to
nine hours’ sleep we need is asking for trouble that can literally impact
our lives. Even it could lead to a loss of physical and mental health, to poor
memory, poor coordination, and now, to weight gain and obesity.

How to control weight:

Obesity is a disease of excess body fat that can be characterized by a body mass
index of 30+ - and the risk factors and contributory causes include a range of
well-documented genetic and environmental factors. However the relative effect
of these causes on the development of obesity remains unclear. Prior to any
examinations it should be noted that obesity, especially severe clinical obesity
like morbid or malignant obesity, carries greater risks of morbidity and
premature mortality than simple overweight. In such cases it is commonly found
out that excess body fat on the neck and chest constricts the air-passageways
and sometimes the lungs. Obesity, particularly in the abdominal parts and upper
body obesity, is the most significant risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea.
The relation is direct, the more obese a person, the greater the risk of apnea.
Hence, it can be concluded that morbid or malignant obesity carries a greater
risk. Significantly, weight loss reduces sleep apnea as it leads to a
significant improvement in symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. Even the
modest weight reduction can help get the condition under control.

Additional information available, just click SLEEP DISORDER

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Obesity in Our Children

Levels of childhood obesity are increasing at alarming rates in many countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, and are fast becoming one of the greatest health challenges. The American Obesity Association estimated that the percentage of obese adolescent and children in the United States are as high as 15% by far, and that the number will keep increasing. Child obesity is diagnosed by calculating a child's body mass index (BMI) using the same method as for adults (weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared), then comparing it to a specific age-adjusted charts.

Obesity is caused by two simple factors: an unhealthy diet that is too rich in sugar and fats, and insufficient exercise to burn off the calories consumed. Research suggests the increasing trend of child obesity is a result of continual reduction in the amount of exercise children take. This is often a matter of family lifestyles; many overweight children have overweight parents.

Obesity has many profound effects on a child's life. For one thing it increases the child's risk of numerous health problems such as heart disease and stroke, as obese children are more likely to be obese as adults. It can also create emotional and social problem; there are marked psychological effects of being obese leading to low self-esteem, which may affect other aspects of their lives such as the development of friendships and competency at school.

Further weight gain can be prevented for overweight child. Parents can help their children maintain healthy weight by giving healthy, nutritious snacks and ensure physical activities as part of their toddlers' daily routine. Television viewing, including video games and the Internet, should be limited to a maximum of seven hours per week. Older children can be taught to select healthy foods and to develop good exercise habits themselves.

Addiction Counseling

Alcohol Addiction

Women Obesity and Pregnancy Complications

According to the Public Affairs Committee there is a correlation between women obesity and pregnancy complications. The report suggests that women having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 have, compared to normal weight women, double the risk of having an affected child.

This relation remains unclear because of limited available data. But statistics show that obese and overweight women face during pregnancy an increased risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension and thromboembolic events. At the same time they are more likely to need a cesarean surgery.

In addition, the babes of obese mothers have higher chances to start their life in neonatal intensive care units and have a higher incidence of neural tube troubles.

Because childhood obesity is a major social concern, the Public Affair Committee consider that prevention of this condition must begin with prevention of obesity during the reproductive years. By consequence, the report suggests to avoid obese or overweight conditions during the pregnancy. Because during the pregnancy an adequate nutrition is recommended for women, the weight loss efforts must be made before conception. During the pregnancy women should receive a appropriate education about the right caloric intake and exercise.

The last recommendation of Public Affairs Committee says that all parents should be educated to pay a special attention of breastfeeding and proper childhood nutrition as a protective approach against childhood obesity.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in health issues such as role of obesity in parents

Female Body Mass Index

The body mass index is the brainchild of a Belgian statistician and mathematician named Adolphe Quatelet, and was developed between 1830 and 1850.

A person’s body mass index (BMI) is the relationship between their height and weight, which directly correlates to the body fat contained within the body and explains the degree of health risk associated with the of the person. It is measured as BMI = Body weight in Kilograms/ height in meters squared.

The BMI values for women seem to be falling on the initial spectrum of the normal adult Body Mass Index, which should be somewhere in between 20 – 22. While the desirable body mass is about 21-23, obesity, which is at least 20% above the desirable range, can be assumed to begin at 27.5 and extreme obesity can be marked at 31.5 for women.

For women, their weight to height ratio could play an important role in trying to assess their health characteristics. Dividing one’s waist size by one’s height derives the weight-to-height ratio. If you are wondering what some seemingly perfect weight-to-height ratios might be like, a Barbie doll has a WHR of 25 % while some college female swimmers might have a WHR of 42.4%.

Being healthy is one of most primary concerns and American women today are in a constant fight against obesity. Coupled with the increasing costs of healthcare and medicine, the harmful effects of obesity inevitably lead to otherwise avoidable complications. The BMI is surely a useful guide for these women.

Body Mass Index provides detailed information about body mass index, body mass index definition, body mass index for teens, and more. Body Mass Index is affiliated with Creatine Monohydrate.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Women Obesity and Pregnancy Complications

According to the Public Affairs Committee there is a correlation between women obesity and pregnancy complications. The report suggests that women having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 have, compared to normal weight women, double the risk of having an affected child.

This relation remains unclear because of limited available data. But statistics show that obese and overweight women face during pregnancy an increased risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension and thromboembolic events. At the same time they are more likely to need a cesarean surgery.

In addition, the babes of obese mothers have higher chances to start their life in neonatal intensive care units and have a higher incidence of neural tube troubles.

Because childhood obesity is a major social concern, the Public Affair Committee consider that prevention of this condition must begin with prevention of obesity during the reproductive years. By consequence, the report suggests to avoid obese or overweight conditions during the pregnancy. Because during the pregnancy an adequate nutrition is recommended for women, the weight loss efforts must be made before conception. During the pregnancy women should receive a appropriate education about the right caloric intake and exercise.

The last recommendation of Public Affairs Committee says that all parents should be educated to pay a special attention of breastfeeding and proper childhood nutrition as a protective approach against childhood obesity.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in health issues such as role of obesity in parents

Female Body Mass Index

The body mass index is the brainchild of a Belgian statistician and mathematician named Adolphe Quatelet, and was developed between 1830 and 1850.

A person’s body mass index (BMI) is the relationship between their height and weight, which directly correlates to the body fat contained within the body and explains the degree of health risk associated with the of the person. It is measured as BMI = Body weight in Kilograms/ height in meters squared.

The BMI values for women seem to be falling on the initial spectrum of the normal adult Body Mass Index, which should be somewhere in between 20 – 22. While the desirable body mass is about 21-23, obesity, which is at least 20% above the desirable range, can be assumed to begin at 27.5 and extreme obesity can be marked at 31.5 for women.

For women, their weight to height ratio could play an important role in trying to assess their health characteristics. Dividing one’s waist size by one’s height derives the weight-to-height ratio. If you are wondering what some seemingly perfect weight-to-height ratios might be like, a Barbie doll has a WHR of 25 % while some college female swimmers might have a WHR of 42.4%.

Being healthy is one of most primary concerns and American women today are in a constant fight against obesity. Coupled with the increasing costs of healthcare and medicine, the harmful effects of obesity inevitably lead to otherwise avoidable complications. The BMI is surely a useful guide for these women.

Body Mass Index provides detailed information about body mass index, body mass index definition, body mass index for teens, and more. Body Mass Index is affiliated with Creatine Monohydrate.

The Epidemic of Obesity

One of the most serious problems dieticians have to encounter is that of obesity. According to the American Obesity Association (AOA), social structure, general and regional trends, socioeconomic transitions, as well as modernization and urbanization are the primary causes that led to the recent increase in obesity rates. The prevalence of overweight people is reported worldwide, both in developing and developed countries. Recent changes in consumption, culture, economic development and lifestyle have increased the problem of obesity, both in children and adults. Thus, it is of vital importance for people all around the globe to understand the risks associated with being obese and direct their efforts in reducing this alarming trend that is spreading.

The USA obesity rates have reached epidemic proportions and the numbers are socking. As recent statistical data indicate, 58 million people are overweight, 40 million obese and 3 million morbidly obese. These numbers are further supported by the fact that 8 out of 10 people over 25 years of age are overweight. Moreover, 78 percent of Americans do not meet the basic activity level recommendations. Even more alarming are the results that indicate a 76 percent increase since 1990 in Type II diabetes in adults belonging to the 30 to 40 age group.

Consequently, a variety of diseases and health problems appear to be directly related to the obesity trend monitored. As the scientific reports land on the physicians' desks, it is reported that 80 percent of Type II diabetes has to do with the increased levels of obesity in adults, 70 percent of cardiovascular disease is caused by poor eating habits, 42 percent of breast and colon cancers diagnosed belongs to obese individuals, 26 percent of high blood pressure is caused by the excess weight a person carries and 30 percent of gall bladder surgery is performed on a person that suffers from serious obesity problems. Moreover, obesity is also a risk factor in higher rates of certain types of cancer as well as fatty liver disease, vascular disorders, thrombosis, obstructive sleep apnea, musculoskeletal problems and gastro-esophageal reflux. Abdominal obesity is particularly associated with insulin resistance syndrome and cardiovascular disease.

If the numbers above have alarmed you enough to go and weigh out yourself, try to remember that suffering from obesity should not be something you should be ashamed of. You need support and guidance to change your eating and exercise habits, but most importantly you need to maintain your motivation. Eating smaller quantities is not enough. You have to eat right and keep yourself alert of the severe consequences related with poor nutrition and low exercise levels.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including Health, Family, and Science

Obesity - A Global Epidemic

In simple terms obesity is defined as

"The excessive storage of body fat, frequently resulting in a significant impairment of health" (Wallace, 1997).

Obesity used to be considered as a 'condition' that leads to associated diseases. However the World Health Organisation now recognises obesity as a disease in it's own right, accounting for 30,000 deaths a year in the UK. However, this is a disease which is largely preventable through changes in lifestyle and diet.

According to a UK National Health Survey, 22% of men and 23% of women were classed as clinically obese, while 65% of males and 55.5% of females were considered either overweight or obese. Most importantly to note, the number of obese individuals has more than trebled in the past 20years.

If this trend continues we can predict that a third of all adults in the UK will be obese by the year 2010. Globally, obesity has reached epidemic proportions with an estimate of 300million obese adults, 1billion overweight adults and more disturbingly, 18 million under-five children have been classified as overweight.

In the UK a worrying 16% of children have been classified as obese and with numbers rapidly rising, we are quickly becoming the most overweight population in Europe. In several developed countries obesity accounts for 2-6% of total health care costs, a worrying number especially as it is one of the most preventable diseases our community is faced with.

Consequently, obesity-related problems are rapidly rising including many diet-related, non-communicable diseases such as Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), diabetes Type II, hypertension (high blood pressure), stroke, various forms of cancer, joint damage, gall bladder disease and respiratory problems. In addition there are several psychological problems linked to obesity such as depression and low self-esteem.

Health Express an Online Clinic for male impotence, obesity, hair loss, quit smoking. MHRA reviewed health care pharmacy UK

Managing Your Weight

Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to determine overweight and obesity. Body Mass Index is a figure which is calculated by using a persons weight and height. An adult person with BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 is considered overweight and an adult person with BMI 30 or higher is consiedered obese.
For most people, body mass index correlates with the amount of body fat. However, BMI does't directly measure body fat.

There are two causes for obesity:

1. Obesity resulting from excess fat and

2. Obesity resulting from water and waste product deposits.

Obesity resulting from excess fat is due when we take in more calories than we consume. If we don't exercise and we eat lots of food which contains lots of fat and sugar, then we don't consume enough calories.

Obesity resulting from water and waste product deposits happens when the balance between acids and alkalines in our body is disturbed. If we eat lots of food which produce acids (meat, coffee, sausages), our body starts to buffer the acids with minerals and stores them with water.

In this process, the fat cells work as "trash cans".

If we want to lose weight effectively, the first thing to do is togo through a thorough deacidification of the body. When our body has lost acids and waste deposits properly , we can prevent metabolic products from being stored again.

When we pay attention to the both forms of obesity - obesity resulting from excess fat and obesity resulting from water and waste product deposits - we can loose weight with permanent results. There is no weight loss without loosing toxins and acids!

Today, we take in more energy and calories than we consume. There is more food available than before and our everyday life requires less physical activity than before.

Nowadays we do not simply need as much energy as our ancestors did. Also, our society has turned very "food centered" compared with the time of our ancestors: today food is more and more considered to be a source of enjoyment rather than a source of survival.

This article by Annukka Huotari is freely available for use on websites or Ezines as long as it is used in its entirety. For more health related information, please vist my sites Vitallifestore and Safe Nutritional Supplementation

Obesity in America

America is one of the most progressive and richest nations in the world. Consequently, it may be one of healthiest nations as well. But unfortunately, statistics shows that the US citizens are a few of the unhealthiest people in the world. The main reason is that around 2/3rd of the US adults are obese or overweight. Obesity is one of this country's nastiest and most costly health problems. It causes several health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, strokes, and certain types of cancers.

Most people think that obesity is a state of overweight, but that's not exactly true. The overweight people have an excess quantity of weight that includes bone, muscle, fat and water. But, obese persons have a surplus of body fat.

Because of the habit of pre-packaged food and less physical activity, the number of obese people in the US has constantly increased since the 1970's. Factors like genetics and certain medical disorders can also cause obesity, but it can be overcome. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 60 million American people are now suffering from health problems caused due to obesity. Obesity in US adults has increased by 60% in the past 20 years and obesity in children has tripled during the past 30 years.

Around 31% of adult people in America are obese and deaths related to obesity have reached more than 300,000 a year. Obesity is common among Mexican American and African American women. One-third of obese women are aged 20-74 yrs.

Instead of eating only meat products, processed foods and high sodium foods, people have now started including grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes into the diet. Besides, they also participate in many physical activities.

With the attention of the health profession and many educational campaigns about the advantages of improved diets and better physical activity, the occurrence of obesity in America has more than doubled over the last few decades.

Obesity provides detailed information on Obesity, Obesity Help, Childhood Obesity, Morbid Obesity and more. Obesity is affiliated with Morbid Obesity Surgery.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Proper Child Nutrition and Obesity: Aiding the Fight Against Obesity

Obesity incidences among American children have dangerously climbed from 5% in the 1980’s to 15.3% in 2000. Studies reveal that childhood obesity is likely to continue on to adulthood which translates into higher risks of obesity related diseases.

While many diet programs, exercises and drug therapy combat obesity with much needed fierce commitment, some fight child obesity at beginning with prevention. There is a marked connection with child nutrition and obesity.

If the factors concerning the prevalence of obesity are to be studied separately, the primary concern would be food and nutrition. Obesity partially relies on the nutritive factor of a subject’s food intake. A child requires a chunk load of nutrition as it grows but are we truly giving them what they need? Again it must be made aware that child nutrition and obesity are related in such a way that poor nutrition leads to obesity.

The concern of child nutrition and obesity originates from excessive eating and no or minimum exercise. Most of the excess food eaten by kids or even adults are the famed high- calorie and high-fat foods that no matter how dangerous they are to our health, they’re still there. To begin a good fight against child obesity, we must be armed with the right nutrition for children. Remember that growing kid require a good amount of energy from a well balanced diet. The basics of the food groups now prevails. Child nutrition must consist of fiber, vitamins and mineral content, carbohydrates and protein. High fiber is best sourced from whole wheat and other grains. This is also very important to an overweight or obese child. This type requires a good bulk of fiber in his/her system to help lose the excess weight. A child’s nutrition is never complete without the 5-times-a-day serving of fruit and a similar serving of vegetables accompanied by dairy products, fish and the occasional red meat. If you now recall your old health class lectures, this is the basic nutrition required to maintain a healthy body. we are simply returning to a tweaked version of the basic nutrition requirements. an overweight or obese child’s nutrition also require a low-carbohydrate and low-fat intake. Remember that the excess calories and fat are major contributors to obesity. Also increase the amount of antioxidants that help flush out what needs to come out.

You should be able to determine what lacked in the child’s nutrition before the diet. Once you know them and realize the impact of child nutrition and obesity, you’ll be able to provide a child’s proper nutrition. Lessen what isn’t necessary and increase what is needed. This may be a small piece of the puzzle but it generates significant changes in the battle between child nutrition and obesity.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Weight Loss and Obesity and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Obesity web site. For more articles and resources on Obesity and Weight Loss related topics, symptoms and treatments visit his site at:


Overweight Or Obesity - Likely Causes Less Attention is Payed To

Obesity isn't all about eating and inactivity, says an international group of researchers.

Today, doctors often blame America's obesity epidemic on two things:
- too much food - especially widely marketed fast food and junk food - and too little exercise, with too much time in front of the TV.

Researchers pay too much attention on the big two causes mentioned above. I am not saying attention should be diverted from too much food and less exercise neither do I want less attention to be paid to it, but having accepted and established these facts other likely factors are not seriously being explored.

It's well accepted that reduced physical activity and fast food are linked to obesity, but the evidence that these are the main causes of obesity is largely circumstantial.

Obesity researchers should broaden their horizon. Some explanations for obesity which are also supported by circumstantial evidence is being proposed by International groups of researchers.

They include:

-Population, Age and Ethnicity.

Middle-aged people and Black-Americans tend to be more obese than young European-Americans. People from Europe are plumper than people from south Asia but ethnic Africans are the plumpest.

-Older Moms.

American women are giving birth at older and older ages. There evidence that the older a woman is when she gives birth, the higher her child's risk of obesity.

-Deep Sleep.

Getting too little sleep can increase body weight. Today's American get less shut-eye than ever


Many different drugs - including contraceptives, steroid hormones, diabetes drugs, some antidepressants, and blood pressure drugs - can cause weight gain. Use of these drugs is on the upswing.

D. T Mark

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Morbid Obesity – Causes, Cure, and Threats

Obesity becomes morbid when it reaches the point of significantly increasing the risk of one or more obesity-related health conditions or serious diseases (also known as co-morbidities) that result either in significant physical disability or even death.

The term morbid obesity, also called “clinically severe obesity” or “class-3” obesity - is a disease of excess body fat (adipose tissue), which can adversely affect general health, mobility and quality of life. Morbid obesity is typically defined as being 100 lbs. or more over ideal body weight or having a Body Mass Index of 40 or higher. According to the National Institutes of Health Consensus Report, morbid obesity is a serious disease and must be treated as such. It is a chronic disease, meaning that its symptoms build slowly over an extended period of time.

Morbid obesity is a significant risk factor for hypertension, cardiovascular disease, some cancers, diabetes, respiratory problems and musculo-skeletal disorders. Generally, the health threats of morbid obesity are: double risk of early death if your weight is more than twice your ideal, 5-7 times greater risk of death from diabetes or heart attack, high risk of “end-stage” (untreatable) obesity, numerous negative social, psychological and economic effects.

The causes of severe clinical obesity remain complex and varied, and typically include factors such as family genetic history, lifestyle and eating habits in childhood and adolescence, medication usage, calorie-intake, mood/depression, degree of physical activity, and cultural, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors. Although there are several clearly identifiable causes and contributory risk factors for morbid obesity, experts have been unable to pinpoint the relative importance of these risk factors in the ongoing obesity epidemic.

Treatment for morbid obesity usually includes a combination of liquid or very-low-calorie diets, weight loss medications and exercise counseling. Patients suffering from significant co-morbid conditions may also qualify for bariatric weight loss surgery such as gastric banding or stomach bypass.

Mildly obese patients can benefit from diet and exercise treatments, sometimes provided in conjunction with weight loss medication. Patients with morbid obesity, especially those with serious co-morbid conditions, may qualify for bariatric surgical treatments such as Lap Band or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Lap-band adjustable gastric banding is the latest entrant (approved by the FDA in 2001) in the sphere of surgical treatment of morbid obesity

It has become increasingly clear that those with morbid obesity may not be able to get their weight under significant control on their own without surgery. If you are morbidly obese you run a significant risk of dying prematurely due to your weight. In fact, those with morbid obesity can be expected to die 13-20 years prematurely unless they can lose most of their excess weight.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Weight Loss and Obesity and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Obesity web site. For more articles and resources on Obesity and Weight Loss related topics, symptoms and treatments visit his site at:


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Effects Of Obesity

Obesity has assumed proportions of a global scourge in developed countries and especially in the United States where its spread has been quite alarming. This is largely attributable to the fast food culture and sedentary lifestyle. Obesity is found to cause serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke, and even cancer.

Obesity has been slotted as a chronic disease as it is found to cause serious medical conditions in more than 25% of the American population. It has also been found to be responsible for almost 300,000 deaths every year in the United States.

Obesity is considered even more damaging than smoking or drinking, as it affects all major body organs, including the heart, lungs, muscles, and bones. Researchers have linked obesity to almost 30 medical conditions that can be avoided by reducing the weight.

Physical health problems such as increased blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and asthma are all amplified as a result of obesity. It also leads to psychological problems such as low self-esteem, depression, and eating disorders. Loss of self-esteem is also one of the major effects of having several ramifications. Loss of self-esteem is a very serious and complex problem as its effect is very deep routed and may push an individual into depression.

It is seen that there are several social problems such as teasing and discrimination that have to be borne by obese individuals especially children. The alienation faced in childhood typically leaves a lasting impact on the psyche of the individual, and is manifested in several ways. It also creates problems of exhaustion for the individual leading to absenteeism from work.

There are several factors seen in children that are a pointer to obesity in later life and can be easily spotted by a health professional. These include developmental delays, poor growth in height, dysmorphic features, and hypogonadism. It is possible to treat these individuals early from these symptoms and hence prevent the problem of obesity.

Obesity provides detailed information on Obesity, Obesity Help, Childhood Obesity, Morbid Obesity and more. Obesity is affiliated with Morbid Obesity Surgery.

Causes Of Child Obesity

Why is your child overweight? Have you done something wrong? What have they done that has caused this problem? We see overweight children all the time, but when it happens to your child then that is the time to put your concern into action.

In developed nations all over the world – particularly the United Kingdom and the United States – problems with obesity have become such a major issue that they are discussed widely on television, on the Internet, on the radio, and in everyday conversation. In addition to bad eating habits, one of the main problems that causes childhood obesity is societal and relates to the lack of physical activity in our day to day lives.

As the world becomes more complex, technology continues to make advances that encourage us to sit around all day doing little to nothing physically. Why bother when we have video games, computers, and televisions to entertain us? Why bother walking anywhere or riding a bike when we can simply get in a car or take public transportation? What it comes down to is a simple lack of movement in our day to day lives. Yet, even simple measures can help to relieve the burden of child obesity and to keep us all healthy.

It is difficult to calculate exact statistics behind childhood obesity as it relates to the consumption of fast food. What can be confirmed, however, is that changing trends in the way we eat have indeed contributed to the general obesity epidemic, particularly in children and young adults.

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The Connection Between Child Obesity And Fitness

Our modern society is one that is, unfortunately, plagued by weight issues. Our poor diets fueled by convenience foods and our sedentary lifestyle exacerbated by computers and televisions, have spawned a culture that battles obesity more than ever. It should be no surprise, therefore, that our children are fighting similar battles. Childhood obesity continues to be one of the most dangerous conditions facing children today. A childhood spent battling weight is often a predicator of an adulthood spent battling weight. That’s why it’s so important to face child obesity head on, implementing lifestyle changes that can have a profound impact on future health. Obviously diet is a large component of child obesity. But the connection between child obesity and fitness is just as strong.

Poor choices in food along with a skewed concept of appropriate portions can undoubtedly fuel child obesity. Clearly, part of making lifestyle changes with children who are battling obesity involves critical diet modifications. This includes minimizing highly processed foods that often contain large amounts of saturated fat, sugar, and salt. Rather, there should be a transition to a diet focused on whole, natural foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. High sugar juices and soft drinks should be immediately eliminated and replaced with water or low-fat milk.

But just as important is the link between child obesity and fitness. In this modern world, children are often more inclined to play on their computer and watch television than play outside. It is absolutely essential to integrate physical activity into a daily routine. Part of laying the groundwork for a healthy adulthood is instilling healthy habits in the lives of children.

Child obesity and fitness is just one component in the quest to get healthy. An overall lifestyle change that will mean a future spent at a healthy weight requires a fundamental commitment on all levels – in diet, exercise, and emotional dedication. The good news is that if you create a healthy connection between child obesity and fitness – in that an increase in physical activity has the child experiencing positive physical changes – you will forever instill that connection in them. The result can be a lifetime of health and vitality.

For easy to understand, in depth information about child obesity and fitness visit our ezGuide 2 Obesity.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Causes of Morbid Obesity

How does obesity occur? The reasons are complex. Despite popular opinion, morbid obesity is not purely the result of eating too much. According to recent studies, it has been found that cases of morbid obesity are often rooted in genetic causes. If this holds true in an individual’s case, then dieting and exercise will have limited effects on the problem.

Scientific research in to the causes and cure for morbid obesity continues to be conducted all over the world. But until we gain a firmer grasp on all the implications of the disease, it is something that patients simply have to deal with and work on, oftentimes for their entire lives. Medical science has come up with numerous interventions, including surgery, but these are not cures for obesity – rather they provide relief for the physical strain and consequences that come from being excessively overweight.

We do not know what extreme obesity is caused by. Instead of there being one cause, it usually comes about as the result of several different factors, including diet, environment, genetics, heredity, and metabolism. Hypothyroidism and steroid intake are two medical conditions that might result in excessive weight gain or obesity.

Children whose parents are obese have a much greater chance of becoming obese themselves. Perhaps this has to do with genetic factors, but more often than not, it has to do with the family’s sedentary lifestyle and eating habits. If parents do not take proper care of themselves, then their children can be born obese.

There are additional, environmental, factors that cause and maintain obesity.

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Obesity And Weight Loss - A Review

Most people think that obesity goes no deeper than a less than fashionable look, but they are wrong. Obesity today is an epidemic, a disease spreading fast across both the industrialized world and emerging economies.

Obesity means having too much fat on your body. First and foremost, obesity puts a strain on joints and bones that have to sustain more weight than before, which leads to arthritis in the long run. The weight also tends to make people less active, which, in turn, means more weight is put on.

The lack of activity and high cholesterol brought by eating too much of the wrong kind of food impair the proper functioning of your heart and blood vessels. This results in high blood pressure, stroke and other blood and heart conditions. Excess weight also leads to apnea, the cessation of breathing during sleep.

However, obesity can be cured with patience and effort. As this diseases spreads over the land, so do the efforts for curing it increase. Talk to your physician if you are interested in getting rid of obesity.

Recognizing obesity?

The textbook definition of obesity is a body mass index of 30 or above. The body mass index is a measure of a person's weight scaled according to height, as developed by Belgian scientist Adolphe Quetelet in 1840. This index serves to show the amount of fat stored on the body, and the higher your BMI is, the worst is your exposure to certain diseases.

Physicians also warm that having a lot of fat stored around your waist increases the risk of developing diseases. Going beyond size 35 in women and size 40 in men means only trouble in the future.

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Mohammad Kamal owner of

Obesity Increases Your Chances Of Developing Cancer

Several studies have shown that being overweight or obese can dramatically increase a persons probability of developing several forms of cancer.

Both obesity and a lack of physical activity are thought to account for up to 20 percent of all cancer deaths. An estimated 41,000 new cases of cancer alone were diagnosed in the United States that are thought to be attributable to obesity.

Obesity puts increased oxidative stress on the bodies major internal organs, increasing free radical production and therefore cancer risk. Obesity also affects the secretion of hormones such as estrogen and androgens which may also influence cancer risks in certain parts of the body.

Liver cancer is thought to be the cancer most closely linked with obesity with one study finding an almost five-fold increase in liver cancer in men and two-fold increase in women in those with a BMI greater than 35.

Other cancers that are closely associated with cancer are pancreatic cancer, which is more than two times more likely in those with a BMI greater than 35, stomach, esophageal, colo-rectal and kidney cancer.

In women, cancer of the breast, uterus and cervix were also higher amongst obese individuals and in men, the risk of prostate cancer was also raised by obesity.

Esophageal cancer, which is rapidly becoming one of the most common forms of cancer is also thought to be related to obesity. Gastric reflux problems are more common in obese individuals which leads to an increase in the condition known as Barrett's esophagus. Barrett's esophagus progresses into cancer in approximately 0.5% of cases.

With obesity rates sky-rocketing in the western world, the prevalence of these forms of cancer is likely to continue to increase. Fortunately the effects of obesity can be reversed, a drop in BMI of just five points corresponds to approximately a 15 percent reduction in cancer risk.

Anthony Wilson is the owner of Health Hubs, a health news and information website that contains daily updated news and information on a variety of health topics such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

More information about the link between obesity and cancer can be found here.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tracking Obesity Statistics

The BMI cutoff points serve as a guide to determine whether you are overweight or obese. However, the health risks associated with overweight and obesity are irregular and do not necessarily match up according to the rigid cutoff points of the BMI. For example, an overweight individual with a BMI of 29 does not immediately acquire additional health consequences associated with obesity simply by going beyond his 29 BMI onwards obesity. Nonetheless, the increase in a person’s BMI also generally increases his health risks. It is this sense that you should start to be bothered by the disease’ general consequence in the health of a population and studying a little bit of available obesity statistics can help you find your place in the chances for obesity.

To be able to appreciate the information given by obesity statistics, you must first realize that there are a lot of individuals going through the same dilemma yet under different circumstances. This is why different surveys and researches are conducted to produce multiple obesity statistics to be able to cover all data to keep their findings accurate and produce more significant new findings.

Obesity statistics reflect various factors related to the disease such as adult obesity, childhood obesity, eating habits, the prevalence of hypertension (high-blood pressure) in obese people, the occurrence of other related diseases like high-blood cholesterol, gallbladder and cardiovascular disease, and cancer, also the cost of obesity, the rate of change of obesity prevalence over the years, the number of physically active individuals in the population, and the morbidity of obesity statistics.

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) provided data for the years 1999 to 2000 and revealed significant information. In general, their various obesity statistics taken all together showed that the prevalence of the obesity condition in the United States ranks higher that that of its prevalence in the developing nations, while also leading the other developed countries in acquiring the disease. From this outset, other conclusions are also involved.

Nearly one-third of the US population are obese, 30.5%/ 61.3-million men and women. The prevalence of ‘overweight’ for children and adolescents is increasing in the United States. Approximately 15.3% of children ages 6–11 and 15.5% of adolescents ages 12–19 were overweight, and an additional 15% of children and 14.9% of adolescents at risk for overweight.

Most studies also show an increase in mortality rate associated with obesity as obese individuals have a 50 to an ultimate 100% increased risk of death from all causes. Even those moderately obese people have their life expectancy shortened by 2 to 5 years.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Weight Loss and Obesity and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Obesity web site. For more articles and resources on Obesity and Weight Loss related topics, symptoms and treatments visit his site at:


Can Obese Physicians Help People Live a Healthier Life?

Patients treated by obese physicians don’t always properly follow their doctor’s advice concerning losing weight. Obesity advice given by overweight physicians does not carry the same effect with patients as similar advice given by fit physicians, according to Jo Marie Reilly of White Memorial Hospital in California.

Patients go to physicians for professional advice, however they also look to physicians as role models. From this standpoint, it is difficult for overweight physicians to give credible medical advice regarding weight loss if they don’t seem to take care of their own weight problems and health.

Obese physicians are less likely to diagnose obesity and provide obesity counseling for their patients according to a study of physicians' health habits and counseling practices. These doctors do not necessarily classify themselves as obese, said Brian W McCrindle in “Do as I say, not as I do. The new epidemic of childhood obesity”.

Physicians who are not overweight can deal with their patients more aggressively and avoid coexistences with other diseases or conditions. An obese physician may sometimes be in denial regarding his own obesity, and so she may overlook obesity in her own patients.

If the hospital staff do not live themselves healthier lifestyles patients get the message that being overweight is a healthy lifestyle, according to Reilly. That is because sometimes patients may see the medical personnel as role models. Hospital staff should be encouraged to live healthier lifestyles, and should also include healthy foods in their vending machines or lunch rooms, said Reilly.

Physicians who are not self-aware of their obesity and do not challenge themselves to make healthy lifestyle changes are losing the battle against obesity, said Reilly.

(c) Project Weight Loss 2007. All rights reserved.

For free weight loss tools and diets, visit Project Weight Loss a growing weight loss community featuring BMI calculator, calorie counter, carbs counter, diet planner, workout planner, and many other weight loss tools. Visit Project Weight Loss and start losing weight today!

Stroke, Sleep Apnea and Obesity Related Complications

What is a stroke? It is a 'brain attack' involving potentially dangerous and life threatening damages to brain, caused by interruption to its blood supply. Most strokes are caused by cerebral thrombosis (blood clot in brain artery) which is produced by adipose,(fat tissue) making it easier for blood clots to form.

Obesity and stroke: Atherosclerosis,or narrowing of arteries, which leads to the formation of arterial blood clot, is the precondition for a stroke. It is increased by blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol and lack of exercise. Obesity is frequently associated with high fat diet, high blood pressure and lack of exercise. Therefore, obesity is considered as an important risk factor for stroke.

Effect of obesity on strokes: Higher body mass index is reported to increase the risk of stroke, besides other factors including age and systolic blood pressure. Obesity in a middle aged man can have significant impact on stroke risk later in his life.

Complications of obesity: Obesity is complicated further by gall stones. 25 to 30% of obese individuals have gallstones, often resulting in surgery. The increase in cholesterol that results in obesity is one of the major reasons for the increased incidence of gall stones.

Obesity causes Sleep Apnea, which results in progressive breathing problems. These people, affected by this condition, snore heavily and have, on occasions,stop breathing completely, even up to 1 minute, at a stretch! This can lead to a heart-attack. Sleep apnea is a serious medical complication arising out of obesity.

Some obesity related diseases:

1. Type 2 Diabetes

2. High blood pressure

3. Stroke

4. Heart attack (Myocardial infarction)

5. Heart attack

6. Heart Failure

7. Cancer

8. Gallstones

9. Gout and gouty arthritis


11.Sleep Apnea

It is a fact that obesity brings down the life span of an individual and results in his premature death. Obvious remedy is to reduce overweight and obesity condition by avoiding over-eating, consumption of alcohol, fried food and fast food, and effectively replace them with nutrition food / substitutes as meal replacements and meal substitutes. They provide the system with enough nutrition and energy while cutting on calories . Exercise helps a lot in bringing down the obese conditions. There are equipments available for indoor exercises. Fast Walking is a very helpful exercise.

Visit for content and guidance to a slim and strong body. Use tips on weight management , health and wellness promotion.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Obesity and Children

Obesity often gets its start in childhood. Obesity becomes a problem for children and this problem often continues as the child becomes older.

There are some things you can do to prevent obesity in children. Childhood and adolescence is difficult enough without adding obesity to the mix.

Some parents think it is cute when a young child will eat anything and lots of it. It may be cute for awhile but this
can lead to obesity. Other times parents use food as a reward and this can also be a problem. Find other ways to reward a child.

If parents insist that a child finishes everything on his plate, obesity can become a situation that is difficult to
contend with. Many children get into the habit of eating many meals a week at fast-food restaurants. Look at the fat and calories present in these foods. This can certainly lead to obesity in children.

As children get older they may spend after-school time eating snack foods that are not healthy. If obesity is becoming
a problem for your child or if you want to avoid the situation before it happens keep healthy snacks around the house. Read the labels before you buy the snacks your children will be eating. Have fresh fruit available and keep veggies washed and cut up in the fridge. There are all kinds of snack foods that are lower in fat and calories.

Is your child getting enough exercise? Millions of children come home after school and spend the majority of their
summer vacations in front of the television or video game with a bag of chips and a can of pop. Schedule time outside for riding bikes and playing games.

Obesity does not need to become a problem for children.

I am the source

About the Author

For more information on Obesity visit

Treatments for Obesity Includes A Healthful Diet Plan

Treatments for obesity and weight control is a life-long effort, and having realistic expectations about weight loss is an important consideration. Eating a healthful diet and getting at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week have important health benefits. Sixty minutes of physical activity a day may be required to prevent gradual weight gain in adulthood. Previously overweight and obese individuals are encouraged to get 60 to 90 minutes of exercise a day to sustain weight loss.

Obesity tends to run in families, suggesting a genetic cause. However, families also share diet and lifestyle habits that may contribute to obesity. Separating genetic from other influences on obesity is often difficult. Even so, science does show a link between obesity and heredity. A doctor can tell whether there are underlying medical conditions that are causing weight gain or making weight loss difficult. Lack of sleep may also contribute to obesity. Recent studies suggest that people with sleep problems may gain weight over time. On the other hand, obesity may contribute to sleep problems due to medical conditions such as sleep apnea, where a person briefly stops breathing at multiple times during the night.

Certain drugs such as steroids, some antidepressants, and some medications for psychiatric conditions or seizure disorders may cause weight gain. These drugs may slow the rate at which the body burns calories, stimulate appetite, or cause the body to hold on to extra water. Be sure your doctor knows all the medications you are taking (including over-the-counter medications and dietary supplements). He or she may recommend a different medication that has less effect on weight gain.

The method of treatments for obesity depends on your level of obesity, overall health condition, and readiness to lose weight. Obesity treatments may include a combination of diet, exercise, behavior modification, and sometimes weight-loss drugs. In some cases of extreme obesity, bariatric surgery may be recommended.

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Fighting the Obesity Epidemic

Obesity has risen to epidemic levels in the U.S. It leads to devastating and costly health problems, reduces life expectancy, and is associated with stigma and discrimination.

Obesity is a strong risk factor for such serious diseases as type 2 diabetes and heart disease; it is also a risk factor for certain cancers and is associated with depression and other medical conditions. More than 65 percent of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, with nearly 31 percent of adults meeting criteria for being overweight..

Furthermore, while being obese and overweight have risen in the population in general, the greatest increases observed over approximately the past two decades have been in the prevalence of morbid obesity; those who are severely obese are most at risk for serious health problems.

Levels of overweight children have nearly tripled in the past few decades. The levels of pediatric overweight have ominous implications for the development of serious diseases, both during youth and later in adulthood. Overweight and obesity also disproportionately affect racial and ethnic minority populations, and those of lower socioeconomic status.

Left unabated, the escalating rates of obesity in the U.S. population will place a severe burden on the Nation's health and its healthcare system. The increase in obesity has been fueled by a complex interplay of environmental, social, economic, and behavioral factors, acting on a background of genetic susceptibility.

On the surface, it may seem that the solution to the obesity epidemic is obvious: Get people to eat less and exercise more. The reality is that if it were that simple, it wouldn't be an epidemic in the first place!

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Childhood Obesity, Overweight Kids and the Problem

While childhood obesity is easy to diagnose, it is not easy to treat. In fact, the best way to prevent and treat the phenomenon known as childhood obesity is to simply encourage a healthy lifestyle at home. Kids are not the best ones at changing their own eating habits and physical exercise habits. They need the help of their parents and guardians.

Prevention of obesity ultimately begins at home. For children and young adults dealing with obesity, it is best to evaluate the individual’s situation, taking in to consideration environmental, genetic, and metabolic concerns while treating the arising physical and psychological damage that has arisen. An obese child’s eating plan should also come with an exercise plan. Long term counseling is often needed to deal with self esteem issues relating to obesity that can effect the child’s performance in the real world.

Parents should keep in mind that weight loss is not a healthy or proper method for young children to employ, as their bodies are still developing. Unless a doctor assigns your child to be put on a diet for specific medical reasons, dieting should not be encouraged in young children, as it could deprive them of the nutrients and energy they need to grow.

Once the issue arises then the problem is much more difficult to deal with. Prevention is the best way. You should be able to monitor yor child's activities. You should be aware of their eating habits especially when they are not with you and you should, where possible, encourage exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

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Obesity Pills Are Dangerous - Here's Why

If there really were obesity pills or supplements that really helped people lose weight easily and healthily, why is obesity on the rise? The fact of the matter is that most fat loss pills are scams, and the ones that might work to some degree are extremely dangerous for your health.

Obesity is a word that some people like to throw around even when it is not warranted. Unlike being merely fat however, being obese means that you are considered by the medical community to have serious health problems. Before turning to obesity pills, you ought to first consider whether you even qualify for such a drastic measure (because obesity pills might not even be a good thing). To help you understand if you are at this point you can look at an obesity chart.

While there are many different types of obesity charts to be found you will need to look for one that you can understand with ease. For this reason, hunt around on the internet for a while. You will find lots of information about the condition of obesity. Some of these obesity sites will also provide their readers with information about how to read an obesity chart.

The obesity chart is one of the easiest ways that a person can understand where they stand at the weight scale. In some of the charts you will find lots of information which gives details about reading the obesity chart. Other charts will simply have a table with numbers that you can go through.

With both of these options you have complete privacy to see if you are in the obese or morbidly obese category. In order to read these charts you should do first look at the section which correlates with your sex. In that section look to see if you can find your height. From the height you will be able to see what information is given for your ideal weight.

The obesity chart will have figures for people from a height of about 4’ 5” up to seven feet. The ideal weight amounts which are provided will range from about 63 pounds to 275 pounds. Of course when you look at one of the obesity chart figures you need to understand that these given figures are just rough approximations.

This means that even though you have found some information which may place you as being in the obese range you still need medical confirmation. Your doctor should be able to let you know if the information that you have found in the obesity chart is accurate with regards to your health.

When people find that they have lost control over their weight they may sometimes begin to panic or even become depressed, and they might start eating more to compensate for this. If nothing is done to correct this situation, the person will slide into a state of being even more obese. The next step from this state is called morbid obesity.

Before reaching this stage you should really start looking for viable options with which you can reduce your weight. Obesity pills really do not hold much promise for the time being, and can be quite unhealthy as well.

Are you looking for obesity pills? You should be wary of the fraudulent claims about obesity pills for weight loss. Instead of risking further health problems, try an easy and effective fat loss plan that anyone can follow by visiting

Obesity - Today's Weight Epidemic

Obesity today has grown in numbers and continues to grow at an alarming rate, especially in the modern day western worlds.

Essentially, obesity is a condition in which there is way too much fat being carried by your body... and today, obesity is reaching epidemic proportions.

Beginning with the most obvious health concern, obesity puts an enormous amount of strain on the joints and architectural structure of the body itself. This continual strain over a long period of time will effectively break down the joints and can lead to arthritis and chronic pain.

As the weight goes up and the body struggles to accommodate the extra pounds, people will generally become less and less active only contributing to the weight gain cycle.

Beyond the everyday strain that it put on the joints by being obese, the lack of activity, the general poor eating habits will also cause strain to the heart and the blood vessels resulting in high blood pressure, a higher risk of stroke, and other circulatory health issues. Obesity can also lead to sleep apnea which is the temporary stopping of breathing during sleep.

Once the body reaches a state of obesity, the ability to reverse the trend is difficult. By this time, it's usually not just a battle against the weight problem, but a battle for one's self esteem and confidence that they can win the battle. Obesity can be overcome, but it takes patience and a long term approach. Not just a new 'latest' diet.

If you found your way to an obese state, the first place to start your journey back to a recognizable weight is with your physician. Take the time to to discuss your weight and your plan to begin to reclaim your body. Be sensible and be realistic and work with your doctor as it pertains to both your diet (eating habits)and any type of newly found physical activity.

Defining Obesity.

Medically speaking obesity is defined as having a body mass index of 30 or higher. Body mass index is simply a measurement of the person's weight proportional to their height. The body mass index works as a simple benchmark to indicate an amount of fat stored on the body. Needless to say the higher the number the greater the risk to the various health problems brought on by being overweight.

For more important information on weight loss be sure to visit where you will find product reviews and tips on weight loss, dieting, and more.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Is Your Child Showing Symptoms of Obesity?

Obesity is a health condition wherein body fat is increased and unused, reaching a dangerous point in a person’s health. This happens when the energy from food intake is greater than its use. This causes the body to store energy as fat.

There are a number of factors that cause obesity. Some of which include a genetic predisposition, an underlying illness, eating disorders, medications, poor mental health, lack of sleep, etc. Obesity causes quite a lot of damage considering the number of related diseases that are brought on by this health condition. To make matters worse, obesity incidences has increased that it is now considered a global threat. The rates of child obesity incidences have, in fact, tripled in the United States since 1997. As a response, we’ve tried to combat obesity with diets, exercise, behavior modification, surgery and more recently, drug therapy.

However, nothing beats prevention by a long shot. Its like building a good defense system. The goal is to prevent obesity, specifically child obesity from reaching into adulthood. If you’re your child is showing symptoms of child obesity have your child diagnosed as early as possible. Early detection of the symptoms of child obesity will yield better results because the longer bad habits are allowed, the harder it is to remove them.

Understand that the symptoms of child obesity may include asthma, type 2 diabetes, heart problems, increased blood pressure, increased cholesterol level, sleep apnea, bone and joint problems and psychological problems. Factors that contribute to the symptoms of child obesity are excessive television watching, minimum to no exercise and excessive eating especially of high-calorie and high-fat foods. Obesity cannot be diagnosed through one test. If your child is up for diagnosis, the child’s Body Mass Index shall me measured, as well as his waist circumference, forms or fat and other assessments. A child can be considered ‘medically obese’ when the child’s weight have posed health risks such as those stated before. You can determine the degree to which the child’s obesity has reached by calculating the child’s Body Mass Index (BMI). Just multiply the child’s weight in kilograms by the square of his height in meters as shown: BMI=kg/m2. The resulting number should be compared to the appropriate age percentile.

Remember that an overweight child can be at risk of becoming obese. If the symptoms of child obesity are quite obvious, take action and muster both yours and your child’s courage to fight the condition before it worsens. Life is much too important.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Weight Loss and Obesity and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Obesity web site. For more articles and resources on Obesity and Weight Loss related topics, symptoms and treatments visit his site at:


Definition Of Obesity

Obesity is a condition that is brought about by excess body weight in the form of fat. There are various categories of being overweight. Morbidly obese person is at least 100 lbs overweight and has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of around 40 or above. Obesity is found to be the cause of several ailments and is responsible for lowering life expectancy. Almost 300,000 deaths in United States annually, are attributed to obesity.

Obesity also affects the general well being of the individual and the quality of life. An obese person typically feels tired constantly and is unable to be active because of shortness of breath, joint pains, especially of the knees and the back caused, and other ills. This also results in decreased productivity because of missed work and absenteeism brought about by various illnesses.

Several factors are responsible for obesity. Decrease in exercising, is one of the major reasons for this. Due to fast-paced life and busy schedules, it has become difficult to take time out for extra activities, including exercises.

Hectic schedules have also contributed to an increased consumption in fast food. Fast foods are rich in fat and have high calorific value devoid of nutrients as processing removes vitamins and minerals. It has become difficult in most households to take out time for cooking a proper meal because of paucity of time.

Heredity is another factor that contributes to obesity. Studies have shown that the gene for obesity is passed on to the next generation. Hence, in families where parents are found to be obese, the children are found to have preponderance to this condition. In genetically obese people, it is more difficult to keep the weight off permanently.

Obesity surgery or bariatric surgery is the only proven method that allows severely morbid person to reach normal weight and not regain it for a long duration.

Obesity provides detailed information on Obesity, Obesity Help, Childhood Obesity, Morbid Obesity and more. Obesity is affiliated with Morbid Obesity Surgery.

Breast Cancer - Another Obesity Victim

Obesity raises the risk of various types of cancer. And only 3% people know that obesity increases cancer risks. According to a recent research based on one million Americans conducted by the American cancer society, 14% of cancer deaths in men and 20% of cancer deaths in women occur due to Obesity. Scientists say that 90,000 deaths can be avoided in America if they take good care to maintain their body weight. Women are more likely to get cancer in their breasts, gallbladder, ovaries, colon and cervix while men get cancer in colon and rectum.

Breast cancer in women:

There are more than 200 different types of cancer, but together breast, lung, bowel and prostate cancer cover half of the cancer cases. Breast cancer is the most common cancer found in females. Overweight and obesity are the major causes of breast cancer.

Obesity and Breast cancer risk in females:

Obese women have higher amounts of estrogen in their body. Estrogen is mainly produced from the fatty tissues and more amount of fat in your body means you have higher chances of getting affected by breast cancer. Good nutrition, healthy living conditions and a fine environment may help girls to start puberty earlier in life and attain menopause later. Estrogen develops though out the fertility period. And better levels of estrogen in the body increases the risk of breast cancer in women.

Breast cancer in men:

Breast cancer is generally found in females but it is also seen in males. Recent research shows that breast cancer among males is also on the increase. And obesity is one of its main causes. In males too estrogen is responsible for breast cancer.

Obesity and breast cancer :

• Obesity affects both the development and progression of breast cancer.

• Post menopausal cancer risk is higher among obese women.

• Breast cancer mortality is higher in obese women.

• Body weight measured at different times during life also causes breast cancer.

Author is the webmaster of which gives valuable information on weight loss diet pills

Friday, August 8, 2008

Quick Survey To Obesity

Obesity is excessive accumulation of fat in our body and its deposition in hypoderm, omentum and other tissues and organs.

The reasons for obesity are metabolic disorders: the process of fat formation from food nutrients comes faster than the process of breaking fat. Commonly obesity emerges due to systematic overeating, low physical activity and genetic factor. But it’s worthy of note that in case of “family obesity” the blame lays on family diet traditions rather than genetic background.

Obesity is shown as significant gain of body weight. If a person keeps on overeating, the disease advances. It happens because formed adipose tissue needs feeding, and that leads to appetite rising.

But obesity means not only problems with our body looks. The changes in metabolism and increment load on bones and joint lead to serious changes in musculoskeletal system, accompanied with pains. In case of morbid obesity respiratory distress are inevitable, leading to pulmonary and heart insufficiency. Obesity contributes to evolution of diabetes, cholelithiasis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction and many other diseases. Scientific studies proved that life span of obese people is below the average.

The basic treatment for obesity is strict dieting. The diet should be prescribed by the doctor who takes into account all our specific medical conditions and the state of disease. The diet should combine with special physical activity aimed at significant increase of metabolic cost, as well as stimulation of respiratory, cardiovascular and other systems of our body. Any medicinal treatment with appetite suppressants, along with any kinds of starvation or fasting days should be carried out only under specialist’s control. Any kind of self treatment can be dangerous to our health and lead to aggravation of metabolism.

Obesity prevention is a forehanded treatment of metabolic disorders, systematical sporting and dieting that matches perfectly our metabolic cost.

Anthony Voronoff is expert of - the site examinating weight loss pills market and making reviews of the most effective and high quality weight loss products - natural weight loss pills and weight loss supplements.

Obesity Stomach Surgery

Obesity surgery remains the only option for people who have tried all the other methods of losing weight such as controlling diet, increasing physical activity, medications and other non-surgical methods. However, this recourse to weight loss is not advisable for all obese people. Surgical methods of losing weight are only resorted to in special cases of obesity. Severely obese people, whose obesity is referred to as ‘morbid obesity’ (BMI >40), increase their chances of developing several health problems that may shorten their life or have debilitating effects on their general physical condition. Therefore, surgery remains the only recourse to save the lives of such people. Obesity surgery can also be performed on those obese people who may not fall under the category of morbidly obese people (i.e. their BMI is less than 40), but who are suffering from one or more obesity related diseases such as arthritis, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, liver disease, cancer and various other medical conditions.

Obesity surgery achieves weight loss by modifying the digestive and absorptive functions of the body. These primary functions are performed in the stomach, small intestine and the large intestine. Therefore, obesity surgery entails a permanent modification of these vital organs to ensure a weight loss that is long lasting. Obesity stomach surgery alters the size of the stomach, making it smaller. Obviously, a person will feel full after eating a smaller quantity of food and begin losing weight. This type of surgery is termed ‘restrictive surgery’ because it restricts the intake of food that a person consumes.

Obesity stomach surgery is performed in a number of ways. Restrictive surgery involves only the modification of the stomach, whereas the combined restrictive and malabsorptive surgery involves both the stomach and the small intestine. The different operative procedures for an obesity stomach surgery are Vertical Banded Gastroplasty, Gastric Banding and Laparoscopic Gastric Banding.

Even though obesity stomach surgery results in an overall improvement in obesity–related diseases due to a sustained weight loss, the complications caused by the surgery are worth considering before a decision is made. Patients should talk at length with the surgeon regarding the risks and complications involved.

Obesity Surgery provides detailed information on Obesity Surgery, Obesity Stomach Surgery, Morbid Obesity Surgery, Laparoscopic Obesity Surgery and more. Obesity Surgery is affiliated with Childhood Obesity.

Obesity Problems

Obesity is a major health problem around the world, especially in North America, Australia and Europe. In developing countries, it is less common. Obesity brings disability, disease and early death. It is a situation distinguished by excess body fat. More clearly, obesity is usually because of positive energy balance. That is, the consumption of calories is more than the spending of calories. Several factors that contribute to obesity are genetic factors, eating habits, less physical activity, endocrine factor, and trauma.

The exact level of adult obesity is estimated using the body mass index (BMI) technique. BMI is a ratio of individual's body weight (in kilograms) to height (in meters2). A BMI score of 30 or more denotes mild obesity, while a score of 40+ and 50+ indicates morbid obesity and malignant obesity respectively..

Obese persons experience many health problems, including cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, some types of cancer (endometrial, breast and colon), dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance syndrome, coronary heart disease, some digestive disorders, high blood cholesterol , certain bone and joint disorders, fatty liver disease, thrombosis, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and respiratory problems, stroke, and gallbladder disease.

Studies show that women suffering from obesity are more probable than non-obese women to die from cancer of the breast, uterus, and cervix. Besides, they have increased risk of obstetric and gynecological complications, such as infertility, menstrual abnormality, and delivery problems.

Obese males suffering from abdominal obesity have type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Statistics show that morbidly obese white men (between 20-30 years age) with a BMI of 45+ have short life expectancy.

Since obesity is a chronic health condition, giving short-term treatment is not going to be effective. Diet and exercise treatments, along with weight loss medication, are helpful for mildly obese patients. But, patients suffering from serious morbid obesity are advised for bar iatric surgical treatments such as Lap Band or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

Obesity provides detailed information on Obesity, Obesity Help, Childhood Obesity, Morbid Obesity and more. Obesity is affiliated with Morbid Obesity Surgery.