Sunday, December 7, 2008

Acupuncture Treatment For Weight Loss

Now days there are a number of techniques that are used to get rid of obesity. Losing weight has become very important for those who are facing the problem of over weight and obesity. These problems are linked to many other major problems. The problem of heart is related to over weight and obesity. If you want to prevent the heart related problems you would have to take care of obesity and reduce your weight. There are a number of weight loss programs that you may follow to get rid of the problem of obesity. However these conventional methods are slow. You can get relief from the obesity related problems with the help of the conventional methods of weight loss, but you would have to maintain the discipline and work hard for it. On the other hand there are simpler solutions that are available these days. The use of the weight loss pills and the other weight loss products are just meant to reduce the effort required to shed some weight. You can take the help of these alternative methods of getting rid of some fat if you are not satisfied with the performance of the conventional weight loss programs.

There are a number of alternative therapies such as acupressure, acupuncture, herbal remedies etc that can be used to seek help in times of distress. You can take the help of acupuncture for an efficient, fast and trouble free weight loss. In the acupuncture treatment, very fine needles are inserted in the different point on the body to regulate the performance of the different organs. Similarly you can get relief from obesity with the help of acupuncture. You can easily reduce weight by controlling your diet and reducing your hunger, with the help of the acupuncture treatment. There are a number of acupuncture doctors available, who can guide you through the procedure of acupuncture. This process is a little complicated when compared to acupressure; however you can get more benefits with the use of this method.

If you are looking for a quick and easy solution to your obesity then you can take the help of these techniques for getting rid of obesity. There are a number of active points which when punctured or pressed can boost your body's metabolism. With the help of this treatment you can regulate your body's metabolism and reduce your weight easily.

Get more information on weight loss

What is Morbid Obesity and Why is it Such a Risk to Your Health?

The definition of morbid obesity states that an individual's weight is about 50 to 100% more than that of his or her ideal weight. The people whose weight is 100 pounds more than the correct weight are also called the morbidly obese people. Where the BMI value which is more than 30 for an adult is considered as obese, they are considered morbidly obese when it is more than 40. Morbid obesity is related to various other health problems and can lead to death. A survey states that about 9 million American people are suffering from morbid obesity.

Possible Causes

There are two types of reasons of morbid obesity. The genetic factor is often held responsible, this is also known as heredity which means that this disease has always been there in the family of an individual. But the family heredity cannot be solely responsible for a disease like this.

This is a very common thing that the members of the same family are used to with similar kind of life style and food habits. In fact the food habit and activity level has a great role to play in morbid obesity. The other cause of morbid obesity is the environmental factor.

When we talk about environment it can be the environment at school, at office, and home. The kind of food available in an individual's environment, the quantity of food taken by him in a day and the exercise habits of that person add up to give rise morbid obesity.

Then the psychological factors are also there which can cause morbid obesity. Severe depression, anxiety, trauma etc are included in these psychological factors.

Health Risks

Morbid obesity is labeled as the second most prominent reason of the death of people in United States. This is closely associated with the risk of other 30 diseases. First of all the morbidly obese people can loose their mobility and ability to accomplish the regular activities.

Apart from this they are often at the risk of coronary heart diseases which can lead to stroke. The blood pressure can become excessively high. The internal organs like liver get damaged with excess fat deposition. Osteoarthritis and grout are two problems related to the bones and joints which are caused by morbid obesity.

Then the gall bladder problems and diabetes is closely related to this. Respiratory trouble and sleep apnea can arise from this particular type of obesity. Women can suffer from gynecological disorder. Finally the patients can lead towards cancer.

The only treatment for morbid obesity is often surgery which is risky enough. So it is always advised to get conscious about the health before it leads to morbid obesity.

April Kerr owns website Greg Walton MD which is all about bariatric weight loss surgery and includes info on bariatric vitamins and bariatric surgeons.

Say Goodbye To Obesity With Right Diet, Work Out and Biocare

The world is growing health concious. And the one problem that people have been dealing with for a long time now is - obesity. Obesity is simply unwanted and people from different age groups, nationality and ethnicity have tried various methods to shed weight. From joining health clubs to taking dietary supplements like Biocare, various people have tried various measures. This article is about obesity and how to fight it. First we will see why is obesity a curse and then how to combat this problem.

Obesity is bad because of two main reasons - one, obese people do not look good. No matter how well dressed you are or how beautiful your face is, irrespective of your skin complexion etc., if you are obese, you certainly do not look the real beautiful you. And the second reason why obesity should be avoided, is that it is the host to many other diseases and health problems. Some of the common problems that obesity welcomes are diabetes, high blood pressure, bone problems (especially in the legs, since they carry all the weight of the body), increased risks of heart problems etc.

Now we will focus on ways you can prevent obesity or if your obese, then how you can get back in shape. Apart from consumption of low calorie and low fat food, a great way to shed kilos and stay fit is regular work out. You should include some physical activity like swimming, cardiovascular, callisthenics, yoga or any kind of work out that burns fat.

Along with that, it is necessary to have certain dietary supplements like Biocare vitamin B complex. While B3 and B6 would provide fuel to the body cells, B6 together with zinc would help in digestion of food. The various B vitamins do not let food to get accumulated in the body in the form of fat and also help burn the existing fat.

John Hayden is a dabbler in dermatology and currently he is researching on various dietary supplements with nutriglow. He has decided to pen down his thoughts for BioCare and BioCare Vitamins and share them for the common benefit.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Obesity in Children and Adults is Becoming a Worldwide Problem

Obesity is a problem not only in America but all over the world. There is a new word for this called "Globesity," a global escalation of obesity. This is a growing epidemic around the world and millions will suffer from serious weight related diseases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) obesity is the biggest unrecognized health problem in the world. This is not a Western or wealthy nation problem anymore. Overweight and obesity is in many low and middle-income countries.

Childhood obesity is an ever-growing problem in countries such as Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Morocco, Chile, Peru and Mexico. WHO estimated in 2004 that 1 in 10 school children world-wide are overweight. Type two diabetes was unheard of in children 20 years ago, but is a common problem now. In some parts of Africa fatness and obesity afflicts more children than malnutrition. AIDS, commonly know as "the slims disease," is causing an unusual backlash there. People seek to put on weight to demonstrate that they do not have AIDS. Most of the cause for obesity in children is inactivity and poor diet in schools.

People are living less active lifestyles by moving from farms to the city. They are not educated enough about nutrition and the body and continue to eat more calories than the body can burn off. The extra calories are then stored in the form of fat on a person. Also the types of foods that are eaten can contribute to obesity and overweight.

Obesity and overweight can lead to many diseases. It's not just an appearance problem. Being overweight or obese is unhealthy. It can lead to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease, fatty liver disease, sleep apnea, depression and low self-esteem.

It is never too late to do something about obesity. Simply cut portions down, change from eating junk food, refined flours and processed foods to fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, cut the use of butter, margarine and oil down to a minimum. Start doing some exercise even if it's 15 minutes a day a few days a week. When at home do some exercises on the floor to tone up those muscles.

Health for Your Success Blog with health tips, foods, advice.


Why Does Adolescent Obesity Create Social Anxieties?

Obesity among the youth is now more prevalent than ever. There are approximately 30.4% overweight adolescents and 15.5% obese adolescents in the United States. We are aware of the string of diseases that could develop or worsen as obesity continues on to adulthood. But do we understand the impact obesity creates? Is an obese adolescent comfortable with himself in a social setting? Does adolescent obesity create social anxieties?

It’s a harsh world we live in. Whether the real world begins a step out the door or the moment slumber leaves escapes you, you view of it would be different from another. In order to live in harmony with, society has created standards in common agreement with the general population. This created the public view of obesity and the regard for it is hardly appreciative. Adolescent obesity automatically receives a negative reaction from society because of the preference for the slim and lean. Many are still subject to verbal abuse. Adolescent females, for instance receive derogatory names and the unending comments about their appearance from peers, family and strangers. There are also those who are subject to bullying or the other way around. Because of the social response for obesity, obese teenagers have the tendency to withdraw. Does adolescent obesity create social anxieties?

Adolescent obesity then creates social anxieties. It’s an age-old issue of acceptance and belonging. Social anxieties for an adolescent are brought upon by the conditions of an adolescent’s environment the development of social anxieties may not originate from home. Some develop the fear from traumatic interactions with non-obese adolescents. The degree of trauma varies but the fear develops nonetheless. Here is where adolescent obesity create social anxieties. The world is different to people. A slim and healthy teen may have his/her peers’ admiration. He/she is able to do more such as sports granted by the blessing of a fit body. The confidence builds as skills and a healthy mentality develops. The case is different for an obese teen. The less they participate due to their weight, the less they feel about themselves. Some are afraid and limit themselves to a certain comfortable peer group whom have already accepted their condition and are not bothered by it. They create boundaries in order to protect themselves from whatever danger a social interaction can bring to an obese adolescent.

Taking a look at adolescent obesity creating social anxieties, we can conclude that social anxieties are formed as a defense mechanism. Then why does adolescent obesity create social anxieties? The answer, self-preservation. The world is still about survival of the fittest. An obese adolescent may find himself/herself at odds with world allowing social anxieties to creep in and take over. This explains why does adolescent obesity create social anxieties.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Weight Loss and Obesity and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Obesity web site. For more articles and resources on Obesity and Weight Loss related topics, symptoms and treatments visit his site at:


Linking Obesity and Diabetes

In an era of increasing rates of obesity and diabetes, just about everyone knows that one of the leading risk factors for diabetes is obesity. But many of us don't know why this is the case.

In simple terms obesity is linked to an increased risk of diabetes because as we gain weight we become ore resistant to the insulin we produce. In fact, as we lose weight we regain much of our lost insulin sensitivity. Our bodies start functioning better overall.

The link between diabetes and obesity then must have something to do with weight. What do people with a lot of weight typically have more of than people without a lot of weight? Primarily, obese people have more fat. So it is likely that the link between obesity and diabetes is found in the fatty tissue.

Primary Suspect: the Fat Compound Known as Resistin

The possible link between fat and diabetes was first noted as resistin in the January 2001 issue of "Nature." It was discovered that resistin in the fat cells acts as a hormone which makes the body resistant to the insulin it produces. An interesting follow up by scientists was the development of the drug Rosiglitazone, which suppresses the resistin.

One of the reasons scientists are relatively sure that resistin in the fat is an important part of the development of diabetes in obese people is that when scientists injected resistin into mice they suddenly became insulin resistant mice. When the mice were given antibodies that attacked the resistin, they became much less resistant to their own insulin.

More Research on Resistin is Needed

As promising as this research is, it doesn't say exactly if and how the resistin works, only that an increase in resistin is correlated to an increase in insulin resistance. More importantly, resistin hasn't even been found in human fat cells. The idea is that humans must have a similar hormone to resistin that takes the same sort of action. But that is speculation without any answers as of now. What we do know, is that obesity is strongly linked to diabetes and that obesity consists of increased amounts of fat.

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

What Is Obesity?

The term obesity gets thrown about a lot these days, does anyone actually know what it really means? Many people think that it just means that you don't look perfect, however that's not all it means. Obesity is more apparent in our society's today than it was 10 years ago. Obesity can be considered as a disease which is affecting people in every country all around the world.

Obesity simply means overweight. You have too much fat, and so are not considered normal. Due to this excess weight extra pressure is put onto bones and joints. These joints have to carry much more weight than they are designed to. This can result in arthritis. Excess weight also means that people often become lazier, which means they find it even easier to put more weight on.

This reduced activity and high amount of fat and cholesterol in your body can put too much pressure on your heart. This can cause high blood pressure, strokes, and numerous other heart conditions. Obesity can also be a cause of sleep apnea.

Obesity is perfectly curable, it just takes willpower, and effort. There are new products aimed at ridding you of obesity coming onto the market every day. Have a chat with your doctor to see what he suggests.

Am i obese?

Obesity has an official definition of anyone that has a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or higher. This body mass index is the weight of a person related to that persons height. This shows how much fat is stored within your own body. Think about when you buy a pack of biscuits that are 50g, they tell you the nutritional contents in 100g so you can compare. It's exactly like that, we are all different sizes and so scaling down to the height allows people to easily compare.

Scientists have started to warn about the dangers of having a lot of fat stored around waist. If men go above size 40, and women above 35 it is an early warning sign for lots of trouble. offers you the latest information on weight loss, articles, and reviews about the numerous weight loss products that are on the market.

FREE weight loss articles, exercise tips and tools to help you lose weight.

Considerations of Childhood Obesity

Imagine being 7 years old with the arteries of a 40 or 50 year old. Sufferers of childhood obesity or problems with cholesterol exhibit these same results. New Orleans is the stage for a study that was presented to the American Heart Association at their conference.

The study goes on to say that the artery walls in these obese children have the same consistency as a person who is 45. It appears that the epidemic of childhood obesity is going to lead to early onslaught of cardiac problems. This particular set of circumstances means that now heart disease would become a pediatric issue.

16 percent of kids in the U. S. are considered obese. This is leading to more cardiac events e.g. heart attacks and strokes, and more incidents of Type 2 Diabetes than ever before. A computer model was made in December of 2007 and it found that at the present rate of obesity in children, that by 2035, the number of incidents of heart disease will increase by one hundred thousand cases. This is really quite a statement if you consider the way cardiac care has improved recently.

It is however thought that childhood obesity can be reversed. Plaque in the arteries hasn't had the chance to harden so there may be a chance they can be eradicated from the blood system.

Children who are obese should have their blood pressure and blood work done on a regular basis. If the child is obese, has high cholesterol levels or has a family history of heart problems.

Pediatricians will also treat childhood obesity with medication but only after most avenues for change have failed to produce results.

Ken Glauser

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What Causes the Lost Weight to Come Back?

Why is obesity such a serious problem in the modern society? It is because obesity is on a rapid rise, almost an exponential rise even. Another reason is because obesity is a life-long problem and may happen to anyone at any age regardless of gender and race. Even those people who have successfully combated obesity may regain weight in subsequent years.

Therefore the key factors in combating obesity is not only effective weight loss but also effective long-term ideal weight maintenance. Let us analyse what causes the lost weight to come back and how to avoid such incidences.

One of the main reasons why lost weight come back is because of improper weight loss regimes. In particular this kind of incidences usually happen to overweight individuals who restricted food intake to lose weight. When they restrict food intake and do not exercise, their body metabolism will slowly adapt to amount of food intake and become lower. Thus even if they maintain small amount of food intake, the calories level may be excessive for their low metabolism rates, resulting in fat accumulation.

Another reason why lost weight come back is because of lack of motivation and persistence in the weight loss program. Once overweight individuals see a little weight reduction, they begin to reduce amount of exercise and go back to the same amount of food before the weight loss program. This is counter-productive, not only will the lost weight come back, they may even gain more weight than before if they do not closely monitor their weight and change their attitudes promptly.

Quick and Sustained weight loss is a combination of external and internal factors. The external factors of exercise and diet are of course helpful to lose weight. But you need to equally focus on internal factors of boosting your metabolism and keep yourself motivated to loose weight.

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Let us understand what Metabolism implies. Your body is always burning calories, whether you walk, run or even sleep. The rate at which your body burns the calories is the metabolism rate for your body. Most of the weight loss products available in the market use hunger suppressants as a way to loss weight. But the problem with this is that as soon as you reduce your intake your body reduces the rate at which the calories are burnt. So effectively the lost weight is nothing but water, which comes back with vengeance.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Women Obesity and Pregnancy Complications

According to the Public Affairs Committee there is a correlation between women obesity and pregnancy complications. The report suggests that women having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 have, compared to normal weight women, double the risk of having an affected child.

This relation remains unclear because of limited available data. But statistics show that obese and overweight women face during pregnancy an increased risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension and thromboembolic events. At the same time they are more likely to need a cesarean surgery.

In addition, the babes of obese mothers have higher chances to start their life in neonatal intensive care units and have a higher incidence of neural tube troubles.

Because childhood obesity is a major social concern, the Public Affair Committee consider that prevention of this condition must begin with prevention of obesity during the reproductive years. By consequence, the report suggests to avoid obese or overweight conditions during the pregnancy. Because during the pregnancy an adequate nutrition is recommended for women, the weight loss efforts must be made before conception. During the pregnancy women should receive a appropriate education about the right caloric intake and exercise.

The last recommendation of Public Affairs Committee says that all parents should be educated to pay a special attention of breastfeeding and proper childhood nutrition as a protective approach against childhood obesity.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in health issues such as role of obesity in parents

Female Body Mass Index

The body mass index is the brainchild of a Belgian statistician and mathematician named Adolphe Quatelet, and was developed between 1830 and 1850.

A person’s body mass index (BMI) is the relationship between their height and weight, which directly correlates to the body fat contained within the body and explains the degree of health risk associated with the of the person. It is measured as BMI = Body weight in Kilograms/ height in meters squared.

The BMI values for women seem to be falling on the initial spectrum of the normal adult Body Mass Index, which should be somewhere in between 20 – 22. While the desirable body mass is about 21-23, obesity, which is at least 20% above the desirable range, can be assumed to begin at 27.5 and extreme obesity can be marked at 31.5 for women.

For women, their weight to height ratio could play an important role in trying to assess their health characteristics. Dividing one’s waist size by one’s height derives the weight-to-height ratio. If you are wondering what some seemingly perfect weight-to-height ratios might be like, a Barbie doll has a WHR of 25 % while some college female swimmers might have a WHR of 42.4%.

Being healthy is one of most primary concerns and American women today are in a constant fight against obesity. Coupled with the increasing costs of healthcare and medicine, the harmful effects of obesity inevitably lead to otherwise avoidable complications. The BMI is surely a useful guide for these women.

Body Mass Index provides detailed information about body mass index, body mass index definition, body mass index for teens, and more. Body Mass Index is affiliated with Creatine Monohydrate.

The Epidemic of Obesity

One of the most serious problems dieticians have to encounter is that of obesity. According to the American Obesity Association (AOA), social structure, general and regional trends, socioeconomic transitions, as well as modernization and urbanization are the primary causes that led to the recent increase in obesity rates. The prevalence of overweight people is reported worldwide, both in developing and developed countries. Recent changes in consumption, culture, economic development and lifestyle have increased the problem of obesity, both in children and adults. Thus, it is of vital importance for people all around the globe to understand the risks associated with being obese and direct their efforts in reducing this alarming trend that is spreading.

The USA obesity rates have reached epidemic proportions and the numbers are socking. As recent statistical data indicate, 58 million people are overweight, 40 million obese and 3 million morbidly obese. These numbers are further supported by the fact that 8 out of 10 people over 25 years of age are overweight. Moreover, 78 percent of Americans do not meet the basic activity level recommendations. Even more alarming are the results that indicate a 76 percent increase since 1990 in Type II diabetes in adults belonging to the 30 to 40 age group.

Consequently, a variety of diseases and health problems appear to be directly related to the obesity trend monitored. As the scientific reports land on the physicians' desks, it is reported that 80 percent of Type II diabetes has to do with the increased levels of obesity in adults, 70 percent of cardiovascular disease is caused by poor eating habits, 42 percent of breast and colon cancers diagnosed belongs to obese individuals, 26 percent of high blood pressure is caused by the excess weight a person carries and 30 percent of gall bladder surgery is performed on a person that suffers from serious obesity problems. Moreover, obesity is also a risk factor in higher rates of certain types of cancer as well as fatty liver disease, vascular disorders, thrombosis, obstructive sleep apnea, musculoskeletal problems and gastro-esophageal reflux. Abdominal obesity is particularly associated with insulin resistance syndrome and cardiovascular disease.

If the numbers above have alarmed you enough to go and weigh out yourself, try to remember that suffering from obesity should not be something you should be ashamed of. You need support and guidance to change your eating and exercise habits, but most importantly you need to maintain your motivation. Eating smaller quantities is not enough. You have to eat right and keep yourself alert of the severe consequences related with poor nutrition and low exercise levels.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including Health, Family, and Science